New and renewal COC project applications are due to the Rank & Review Committee by August 14. Please see attached Rank & Review process document as well as scoring tools for new and renewal projects. This means that your application has to be submitted in eSnaps prior to this date, with a pdf copy of the application, a two-page abstract, and a copy of your most recent APR submitted to the Rank & Review committee by this date.

Note that the August 14 deadline is a requirement in the NOFA. Specifically, COCs are required to set a local competition deadline that is 30 prior to the overall deadline, which this year is September 14.

We hope to receive applicants for the new project funding! Specifically, there is $79,662 available for new Permanent Housing or Rapid Rehousing projects under the Permanent Housing Bonus incentive offered by HUD. Receipt of the funds is contingent upon our entire COC application receiving a high enough score.

If you have questions about this process or are interested in applying for a new project, please contact Ben Goodwin, CATCH President, at 501-374-7383 ext 209 or

Rank and Review Committee Process

Scoring Tool – New Project

Scoring Tool – Renewal Project