The Nomination Committee has accepted for review the submitted nominees below prior to the next general membership meeting scheduled for November 12, 2021 at 9am, at that time votes will be cast. Nominations will be accepted until October 12th for the 2022 CATCH Board of Directors. The nominees are as followed:

Sydney Foster (Immerse Arkansas), Angela McGraw, (Women and Children First), Sandra Mitchell, (Better Community Development), Lurenda Duren, (Department of Human Services), Chris Porter, (City of Little Rock), Matthew DeSalvo, (Salvation Army),  Lynn Hemphill, (VA Day Treatment Center), Paul Wilkerson, (River City Ministry), Maria Beard, (Pulaski County Government), Eric Alexander (Safe Harbor), Harriett Phillips, (Volunteer, City of Little seeking to fill Ex-Officio Position), Michelle Barnes, (Our House),  Arlo Washington (People’s Trust Inc), Sean Conrad (Saint Francis House) and Rebecca Beadle (Central Arkansas Library).        

Please contact Matthew Desalvo or Michelle Spencer, for any questions or nominations you would like to make as a member in good standing with CATCH.

Thank you